Cosmetics record

In order to strengthen the quality management of cosmetics, promote enterprises to improve the conditions for the production of qualified products, and ensure that the products meet the national standards or industrial standards, the following is a small compilation of detailed rules for the implementation of cosmetics production license, which is carefully arranged for you, for your reference only.


Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 In order to strengthen the quality management of cosmetics, promote enterprises to improve the conditions for the production of qualified products, and ensure that the products meet the national standards or industrial standards, according to the "Interim Regulations on the production license of industrial products"issued by the State Council, the "administrative measures for the production license of industrial products"issued by the former State Economic Commission, and the "preparation"issued by the national industrial product production license office The implementation rules are hereby formulated in combination with the implementation of cosmetic production license (hereinafter referred to as the detailed rules).

Article 2 cosmetics subject to production license include skin care products, hair care products and beauty products. Hair coloring products hair coloring, hair cleansing cream, skin care water, talcum powder, prickly heat powder, powder powder and powder are used in hair care products. Shampoo, conditioner, shampoo, hair coloring liquid, hair dye, hair dye, hair dye, hair cream, hair oil, hair mousse, styling gel, etc. are used for hair products. Beauty products include lipstick, nail polish, toilet water, perfume and so on.

Article 3 these rules are applicable to all enterprises producing cosmetics within the territory of China. No matter the ownership or subordination relationship of the enterprises, the enterprises producing cosmetics can only be qualified to produce the products after obtaining the cosmetics production license. Enterprises without production license are not allowed to produce, sell or carry out other forms of trading activities by themselves. Those who violate the regulations on strictly forbidding the production and sale of unlicensed products (JZ [1987] No. 180) and other relevant provisions jointly issued by the former State Economic and Trade Commission and other seven units.

Article 4 the cosmetics production license shall be issued, managed and supervised by the China Light Industry Association;no other region, department or unit shall issue the license on its own.

Chapter II application, issuance and administration of production license

Article 5 the license issuing department of cosmetics production license is the "production license office of China Light Industry Association"(hereinafter referred to as "light industry license issuing office"). Its daily office is located in the Certification Department of quality standard Department of China Light Industry Association.

Its main responsibilities are as follows:

(1) To organize the preparation of detailed rules for the implementation of cosmetic production license;

(2) To examine and verify the report of the enterprise applying for the production license and the preliminary examination opinions of the local competent department;

(3) Recommend product quality inspection institutions and review their inspection reports;

(4) Be responsible for organizing the review team to review the quality system of the enterprise;

(5) Responsible for the examination and approval, certification, management, supervision and cancellation of production license.

The sixth "light industry certification office"will form a cosmetics group with China fragrance and fragrance cosmetics association to take charge of the specific work of cosmetics production license.

Article 7 the quality inspection of cosmetics production license products shall be undertaken by 12 testing units such as the cosmetics quality supervision and testing center of China Light Industry Association (see Annex VI).


(1) According to the current national and industrial standards of cosmetics, the detection scheme and supplementary provisions are formulated.

(2) To test the quality of cosmetics applied for production license, and submit a written report.

(3) According to the arrangement of "light industry certification office", conduct quality supervision and spot check on cosmetics with production license, and timely submit written report.

Article 8 the necessary conditions for an enterprise to obtain a cosmetic production license are as follows:

(1) An enterprise applying for a production license must hold a business license issued by the administrative department for Industry and commerce;

(2) The normal batch production of products by the enterprise must be inspected by the production license testing unit to prove that the indicators meet the current national standards or industrial standards and the quality requirements specified in these rules (see Annex II of the detailed rules for details);

(3) Enterprises must have the necessary production conditions and quality assurance ability to meet the requirements of continuous and stable production of qualified products. It includes: it must have correct, complete and unified technical process documents approved according to the prescribed procedures;it must have the production equipment, process equipment and measurement inspection and testing means to ensure the product quality;There must be a team of professional and technical personnel, skilled technical workers and measurement and testing personnel who can ensure the product quality and carry out normal 

Article 9 application and approval procedures for cosmetics production license:

(1) When an enterprise applies for a product production license, it must affix its official seal to the light industry department, bureau (head office) and local industrial product production license agency of the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government, or city specifically listed in the state plan within the prescribed time limit, which shall be submitted by the Department of light industry and the Bureau (head office) in a unified manner.

(2) If the reporting enterprise is a new production enterprise or a new production transfer period is less than half a year, the application can be approved with the certificate of the local provincial and municipal production license office.

(3) If the application enterprise has been put into production or changed production for more than half a year, the production license office at the provincial level and the city specifically listed in the plan shall, after being punished in accordance with the provisions of the relevant documents concerning the investigation and punishment of the production and sale of products without production license, be allowed to declare with a fine sheet and certificate.

(4) To examine the quality system of an enterprise, the light industry license issuing office shall organize an examination group or entrust a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government, a city specifically listed in the state plan, the Department of light industry, or a bureau (head office) to form an examination group in conjunction with the local industrial product production license Organization (the members shall report to the "license issuing office"for approval), and shall be responsible for the examination of the quality system of the enterprise according to the relevant provisions of the detailed rules for the implementation of the product production license Seal samples within the specified time limit, fill in the sample sealing registration form (see Annex 8), and inform the enterprise to send the samples to the relevant testing units within the specified period. The "light industry certification office"of the enterprise's quality system reserves no more than 30% of the right to spot check.

(5) Evaluate product quality. After receiving the samples, the testing unit shall complete the product quality test within the specified time according to the relevant provisions of the implementation rules of the product production license, send the test report to the application enterprise in a timely manner, and collect and send the test results to the "light industry certification office"and the relevant provincial and municipal light industry departments and bureaus (Headquarters) respectively.

(6) Summary and report. The Department and bureau (head office) of light industry shall fill in the summary table of the results of product quality test and enterprise quality system review on the quality system review results of cosmetic production enterprises (see Annex V), together with one original material of the enterprise's quality system review conclusion form (see Annex IV) and the enterprise's application letter, and send them to the "light industry certification office"within the specified time.

(7) Audit and issue certificates. The "light industry license issuing office"shall, according to the examination results, issue a number of certificates to those that meet the requirements of license issuance after being examined and approved by the national industrial product production license office, and at the same time, it shall be reported to the national industrial product production license office for unified announcement. For those who fail to pass the examination, the enterprise is allowed to carry out rectification within half a year from the date of issuing the product test report or the date of notice of disqualification in quality system review, and then apply again. Those who are still unqualified in the second examination will be disqualified.

(8) If an enterprise in an economic union uses the same trademark and factory name for cosmetics, the application for product production license shall be submitted by the leading factory (indicating the name of each branch factory) or separately by each factory of the consortium. The China Light Industry Association will inspect all factories in the economic union. If all factories meet the conditions specified in Article 7 of these rules, the production license shall be issued to the leading factories or to each enterprise in the consortium. If a unit in a joint venture uses different trademarks and factory names, it must submit a separate application. If it meets the specified requirements after inspection and evaluation, it shall issue a production license respectively. The joint venture factory and branch factory which have not passed the inspection shall not use the production license of the leading factory without authorization.

Article 10 the term of validity of the cosmetic production license is five years.

Article 11 marking and numbering method of cosmetic production license:

All enterprises that have obtained the production license must mark and number of the production license on the outer surface of the large and small packaging boxes (bottles and bags) and the instructions attached to the products. The marking method is uniformly prescribed as xk16-108 and the certificate number is attached. For example: xk16-108 ×××.

Article 12 the products of an enterprise that have obtained the production license shall be included in the local regular supervision and inspection of the catalogue of inspected products. All localities shall strengthen the daily supervision and inspection of the product quality of enterprises with production license, and timely inform the competent department of the enterprise of the results of the spot check and test of the daily supervision, and copy the results to the light industry license issuing office. Enterprises that fail to pass the national, provincial and ministerial spot checks twice in a row shall have their production licenses cancelled.

Article 13 If an enterprise has any objection to the results of the examination, the issuance and cancellation of the production license, it may submit a report for reexamination to the light industry license issuing office. "Light industry certification office"shall give a reply within two months after receiving the request for reexamination report. If the enterprise still has opinions on its reply or review results, it may apply to the national industrial product production license office for a ruling.

Chapter III expenses and management

Article 14 according to the provisions of Article 11 of the regulations on trial implementation of production license for industrial products, Article 22 of measures for the administration of production license of industrial products, and the Interim Provisions on the administration of charges for production license of industrial products promulgated by the State price administration and the Ministry of finance [1992] JFZ No.127, all units applying for the production license of cosmetic products shall pay relevant fees. The items include: examination fee, product quality inspection fee and announcement fee.

The product quality inspection fee shall be paid directly by the enterprise to the inspection unit. Other expenses shall be paid to the light industry association. Remittance address: Service Bureau of China Light Industry Association, Bank of deposit: Fuwai Street Branch of industrial and Commercial Bank of Beijing, account number: 492-264003-14. The announcement fee is charged according to the actual expenditure. Please indicate "license fee", unit and detailed address when remitting money. The charging standards shall be implemented in accordance with the documents approved by the price control department of the State Council.

Chapter IV punishment

Article 15 an enterprise that has obtained a production license shall cancel and withdraw its production license under any of the following circumstances. The "light industry license issuing office"shall report to the national industrial product production license office for the record.

(1) Rough manufacturing reduces product quality;

(2) Those who fail to meet the conditions stipulated in Article 8 of these rules after reexamination;

(3) Transfer the production license to other enterprises for use, or give it to the joint venture factory without examination and approval;

(4) When a product with a production license is no longer produced.

Article 16 units and staff members at all levels participating in the issuance of production licenses must strictly abide by the "rules for workers issuing production licenses"(see Annex 9) issued by the former State Economic and Trade Commission. Violators shall be investigated for responsibility and given necessary sanctions.

Article 17 An enterprise must implement the instructions for enterprises subject to inspection

(see Annex 10). Anyone who discovers that an enterprise has obtained a production license by inviting guests, giving gifts, offering bribes and other improper means shall be disqualified and criticized throughout the country. If the circumstances are serious, the enterprise and individual shall be investigated for responsibility according to relevant laws.

Chapter V supplementary provisions

Article 18 the production license office of China Light Industry Association shall be responsible for the interpretation of these rules.

Article 19 the detailed rules have been approved, issued and implemented by the State Bureau of technical supervision and the national industrial product production license office (jgxf (1994) No. 20).

production, and can carry out production, test and test in strict accordance with the production process and technical standards;effective management system must be established and implemented (see Annex II of the detailed rules for details).