Limiting requirements for halogen and specific halogenated organic compounds

Limiting requirements for halogen and specific halogenated organic compounds

Halogen element refers to the seventh main group of nonmetallic elements, including fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine and other five elements. Halogen generally exists in people's daily life in the form of compounds, and it has great toxicity. In the combustion process, it will cause secondary pollution and produce dioxin and other highly toxic organic compounds. With the increasing voice of "halogen-free", ROHS, reach, POHS in Norway and the relevant regulations in the United States have put forward some restrictions on halogen compounds

Our services:

Similar to the principle of RoHS XRF scanning test, XRF can also play an important role in halogen control. We can provide scanning service to preliminarily screen and determine the content of chlorine and bromine in incoming materials.

Due to the deviation of XRF test results, chemical test technology of halogen is essential for high-risk substances. Our laboratory can test the content of halogen in samples according to en14582 standard (the most recognized method for halogen test at present).