Reliability test

Reliability test

Test category:

Computer: computer, display, host, computer components, medical equipment and other precision instruments

Electronic communication: mobile phone, RF device, router, electronic communication components, etc

Electrical appliances: electrical appliances, lamps, transformers and other electrical equipment

Other: packing box, transportation equipment, outdoor materials, etc

Test items:

1. Temperature and humidity aging test. Constant temperature and humidity test. High and low temperature alternating damp heat test. High temperature aging test. Rapid temperature change test. Walk in high and low temperature humidity and heat laboratory. Cold and hot shock test. High low temperature and low pressure test.

2. Physical and mechanical properties test. Electric vibration test. 3. Comprehensive test (temperature, humidity and vibration). Electronic universal testing machine (tension, pressure). Tensile test (including normal temperature and high and low temperature). Impact test (including normal temperature and high and low temperature). Simulation of vehicle vibration test. Drop test.

3. Weathering test. Xenon arc lamp aging test. Aging test of carbon arc lamp. Simulated UV aging test. Natural exposure aging test. Ozone aging test.

4. Salt spray corrosion test. Neutral salt spray test. Acetate spray test. Copper ion accelerated salt exposure test. Temperature cycling salt spray test.

5. Other project tests. Rain test. Enclosure protection level test (IP code). Sand dust test. Water pressure test. Noise test. Vertical combustion test. Horizontal combustion test