Electric school quasi room

Electric school quasi room

The calibration room is mainly responsible for the calibration of electrical and radio instruments. By a number of experienced senior engineers, we provide a series of calibration services for electrical indicating instruments and component parameter testing instruments.

Beitong electric laboratory has a large number of high-end electromagnetic and radio measurement standards, such as 5520 multi-functional calibration source, 44ghz spectrum analyzer e4446a and signal source 8257d, eight and a half digital multimeter 3458A, etc

Development projects:

Withstand voltage tester, digital multimeter, high resistance meter, insulation resistance meter, grounding resistance meter, DC low resistance meter, voltmeter and resistance meter (multimeter), oscilloscope, DC digital ohmmeter, DC potential difference meter, dc resistor, DC bridge, DC, AC regulated power supply (variable frequency power supply), grounding conduction resistance tester, leakage current tester, wire tester Digital power meter, LCR measuring instrument, grounding resistance tester, electronic load, clamp ammeter, signal generator, low frequency signal generator, general counter, spectrum analyzer, distortion meter, electronic voltmeter, transistor grapher, network analyzer, frequency sweeper, time interval meter, electronic stopwatch, digital oscilloscope, oscillograph, frequency characteristic tester Clock analyzer, telephone analyzer, audio analyzer, modulation meter, comprehensive tester, turn ratio phase meter, measurement receiver, Oscilloscope Calibrator, TV image signal generator, RF impedance / material analyzer, leakage trace tester, etc.