Enterprise intellectual property management system (GB / t29490-2013)

Enterprise intellectual property management system (GB / t29490-2013)

"Enterprise intellectual property management norms" national standard. The national standard of enterprise intellectual property management standard is formulated by the State Intellectual Property Office, approved and promulgated by the General Administration of quality supervision, inspection and Quarantine of the people's Republic of China and the National Standardization Management Committee, and implemented on March 1, 2013. The standard number is GB / t29490-2013.

From July 15 to July 20, 2012, the Patent Management Department of the State Intellectual Property Office convened the intellectual property management departments and some patent agencies and enterprises in Beijing, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, Shaanxi and other six provinces and cities to carry out the training course of enterprise intellectual property management standard pilot work in Beijing. This meeting marks the formal beginning of the standardization of intellectual property management in Chinese enterprises. At present, the "enterprise intellectual property management standard" compiled by the Patent Management Department of the State Intellectual Property Office has been submitted to the national standard office for approval. Before this meeting, Jiangsu Province has been entrusted by the State Intellectual Property Office to carry out more than two years of enterprise intellectual property management standard implementation work in Jiangsu Province, and has achieved good results The sense and ability of innovation have been greatly improved.

2. GB / t29490-2013 application conditions

(1) Enterprises registered in the administrative region of this Municipality according to law, with independent legal personality, law-abiding operation, good tax credit and financial status

(2) Enterprises have not received this subsidy before

(3) In the past two years, there has been no infringement of other people's intellectual property rights finally determined by administrative or judicial procedures

(4) The company is in good financial condition, making profits for three consecutive years, and the turnover is increasing year by year

(5) Have independent office space, meeting room and other hardware conditions

(6) National credit information network is not blacklisted

3. Government subsidy application process

(1) Application for subsidy after certification of intellectual property management standard of Shenzhen Intellectual Property special fund enterprises;

(2) A copy of the business license (with official seal) of the declared enterprise;

(3) The certification certificate of "enterprise intellectual property management standard" (GB / t29490-2013) issued by the intellectual property management system certification company approved and established by CNCA, the address of the enterprise must be within the scope of Shenzhen (check the original, take back the photocopies, and affix the official seal on the photocopies);

(4) A letter of commitment that has not been punished for violation of intellectual property rights or dealt with by an administrative organ for infringement of other people's intellectual property rights within two years prior to the date of application, and that has not falsely reported or falsely claimed financial assistance within two years prior to the date of application;

(5) Other necessary supporting materials. The above materials are in quadruplicate, printed / copied on the front and back of A4 paper, page numbers of non blank pages (including cover) shall be compiled continuously, and bound into a volume (adhesive binding) smoothly, and the electronic version shall be submitted at the same time.